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Professional Academy
our team

Trainers, Tutors & Mentors

Our people are the best at what they do, and want the best for you.

Our team of experienced tutors deliver engaging, informative workshops and provide one-to-one study support, giving invaluable feedback and advice.

We pride ourselves on delivering the best customer service possible, going out of our way to offer help and advice whenever possible. We also make a point of knowing our business inside out. All our staff have been on the courses we offer to our customers, ensuring they completely understand the ins and outs.

Martin Hutchins

Martin Hutchins


Everyone who knows Martin will tell you that he is the most caring person you will ever meet.

Career Highlights: Martin has been either MD or General Manager since the age of 25 for whoever he has worked for. As a self-proclaimed workaholic with fellowships of the CIM, CMI and ISMM, Martin successfully blends a broad range of business disciplines and has brought this together in founding Professional Academy.

What else do you need to know about Martin? When he is not working, you will often see Martin buzzing around the skies in a four seat light aircraft as the proud holder of his Private Pilots’ License.

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Philip Knowles

Philip Knowles

Head of Learning DipM PGCE FCIM

Everyone who knows Philip will tell you that he had has a very varied career and he now shares his extensive experience by supporting Professional Academy's learners across the disciplines of Marketing, Sales and Leadership & Management.

Career Highlights: Over 40 years of sales and marketing experience, from airfield lighting, nuclear power, water treatment to railway signalling. Plus, over 30 years FE/HE teaching topics from HR, Management, Marketing, Purchasing & Project Management on courses from accountancy to, believe it or not, zoology. He is also a PRINCE2 Practitioner.

What else do you need to know about Philip? He stood against Rishi Sunak is his local elections.

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Support Team

Diane Earles

Diane Earles

Senior Mentor MA MCIM, FMAAT, AIEM, Chartered Marketer

Everyone who knows Diane will tell you that she has a no-nonsense approach to getting the job done, so who better to guide you on your learning journey to achieve your full potential?

Career Highlights: : Regional Director of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Principal Examiner for NCC Education and Vice Chair of the Institute of Event Management.

What else do you need to know about Diane? She lives in Preston with her husband and two cats, is Trustee & Treasurer of her local Community Centre and was taught by, Gordon Jones, the guy who wrote Marketing on a Shoestring.

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Andy Davies

Andy Davies

Tutor MA, MSc, BA (Hons), Chartered Marketer, Fellow CIM, Cert Ed

Everyone who knows Andy will tell you he is a prolific story-teller, passionate and driven strategic marketer with bags of energy. So, who better to keep you motivated on your learning journey?

Career Highlights: : CIM Programme Leader at Blackburn College and Director at M65 Marketing Academy.

What else do you need to know about Andy? His DNA is helping you fall in love with your brand, building trust with clients whilst attracting like minded people to your business - basically bringing brands to life. When asked, Andy said “Espresso may not solve all problems, but it's worth a shot, so let’s make marketing fun together!”

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Marcus Kilvington

Marcus Kilvington


Everyone who knows Marcus will tell you that the 4-step Holy Grail of Learning (how you effectively teach anybody anything), has been his model of choice for over 25 years. He hates to think he has been in the sales world for that length of time, but he has!

Career Highlights: : Regional Account Manager for Unilever Best foods Ltd, National Account Manager for Tetley GB Ltd, Senior National Account Manager for Burton's Foods Ltd and Founder of Food Profits Membership.

What else do you need to know about Marcus? He lives in Nottingham, but his goal is living next to the sea in Anglesey, he loves the sea, the scenery and the seagulls! When he’s not studying his passion for Human Behaviour and how you influence others, you’ll find him feeding apples to the horses down at the stables.
Marcus’s favourite quote is “Every day you are selling yourself, whether you realise it or not!”

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Dr Margaret Hyde

Dr Margaret Hyde

Tutor BA (Hons) MA MRes DipM PGCE

Everyone who knows Margaret will tell you that she is a serial student, so who better to teach?

Career Highlights: : PR/Marketing Manager at Metrolink, Communications Manager at Tameside and Glossop PCT, Senior Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University and her PhD focused on service quality in health care.

What else do you need to know about Margaret? She has exhibited artworks locally and is currently writing a book as part of her most recent studies.

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Hazel Lott-Canning

Hazel Lott-Canning

Head of Operations

Everyone who knows Hazel will tell you that she has a deep passion for apprenticeships and advocates for this educational route as a valuable alternative to traditional university education.

Career Highlights: : Hospitality Trainer for Lifetime Training and Hospitality Assessor for Cambridge Regional College.

What else do you need to know about Hazel? She is is an avid open-water swimmer and panto star, and when not enjoying these can, she can be found in her kitchen working on her culinary and mixology skills.

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Hayley O'Flynn

Hayley O'Flynn

eLearning Content Developer

Everyone who knows Hayley will tell you that she is uber organised with a creative flair – which you can tell by her tidy desk and lots of colour coding! So, who better to develop content for our eLearning platform and campaigns?

Career Highlights: : Customer Service in retail experience and a degree in Film & Television Production.

What else do you need to know about Hayley? Growing up with two older brothers, Hayley is not the most girlish of girls, so on weekends you will find her enjoying a pint of cider watching some sporting activity or another. Or discussing her vinyl collection, films and actors with anyone who will listen - with a special interest in Tom Hardy!

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Delivery Team

Sally Steadman Lydia Mckowen Claire Moorcroft
John Chakesfield Christopher Journeaux Doreen Ward