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How to convince your employer to pay for your training

Getting specialist training can set you apart in your industry. Even though it can be costly, the expense will pay off when it comes to your career progression.

So, you’re convinced, and have found your dream course. Now you just need to persuade your employer that it’s a worthwhile investment. The important thing to remember is to make your request as effortless as possible for your employer.

Gather information

Be ready with the answers to any questions your employer might have. Doing the legwork at this stage makes their decision easier and quicker. Research is not only important for them, but also benefits you as you learn valuable information about the course you want to study.

Research should include things like:

  • Choosing a training provider – create a shortlist, who is your preferred provider & why?
  • Get detailed information on the course overview and learning outcomes
  • Information about how the course can fit into and/or support your current role
  • Course format – e.g.  online or workshops

Support your request with clear benefits to the business

Developing yourself should be just as important to your employer as it is to you. Think about the valuable skills and knowledge you will gain from the course and how this will make you a better employee!

Looking at specific areas of the course and highlighting learner outcomes is a good way to identify the qualities you are expected to gain from studying. These can include levels of knowledge and competency, but also behavioural traits such as creativity, innovation and collaboration.

If you can quantify any of these benefits against the cost of the course, that’s even better.

When you’ve made yourself even more of an asset to your company, they should be keen on keeping you around. Being given an opportunity to evolve and grow gives the added benefit of loyalty to them as an employer.

Specific benefits vary from course to course, but here are some general bonuses to your employer to consider:

  • Employee retention, happiness and productivity
  • Reducing the need for outsourcing and recruitment
  • New up-to-date ideas and innovation for the business
  • Saving costs on in-house training and development
  • Adding specialist skills and knowledge to the company workforce
  • New skills allowing you to stay ahead of competitors

Ask in advance & choose a good time

Most companies plan their spending around the start of the financial year.

So it’s a good idea to request assistance with the cost of a course at the beginning or just before the beginning of the year.

For some businesses this is January or April – find out how yours operates before asking the question, and leave plenty of time for decision-making and planning. This is especially important if your preferred course requires time away from your role.

Prepare a business case

Make sure this is clear and concise – sum up your reasons for wanting to attend a course and benefits it would have to the organisation and your team.

What does the course cover?

  • How long does it take?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Expected ROI of the course / cost benefit
  • Information on training provider
  • Personal benefits

Take the first step yourself

If you are struggling to get sign-off from your employer and want to show them you’re really interested in developing yourself – why not get a headstart and study a single Award or spread the cost of the course yourself?  

How can Professional Academy help? 

We provide a range of Sales, Marketing and Management qualifications which are specially designed to effectively support those in an active role. 

Our interactive learning materials work harmoniously with experienced tutors and study options to ensure you can learn in a way and over a time-frame that suits you.

Find out more about our qualifications and their benefits below:

Need help creating a business case or want to discuss your qualification options?

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